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Travel Partner

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Travel Partner focusses on electric cars

A major step towards sustainability and CO2 reduction

Ellmau, September 2023: Travel Partner, has taken another step towards sustainability and environmental protection. We have decided to switch the entire company vehicle fleet to electric cars.

This initiative is part of our commitment to minimize our environmental impact and actively contribute to reducing our carbon footprint. The switch to electric cars is a significant step in this direction and underlines our company's endeavour to promote environmentally friendly alternatives.

Electric cars are not only quiet and emission-free, but also offer higher energy efficiency compared to conventional combustion vehicles. This not only enables more environmentally friendly mobility, but also reduces our operating costs in this area.

"We are proud to have completed the renewal of our vehicle fleet in this way. The switch to electric cars is an important step towards making our contribution to environmental protection and at the same time providing our employees with new vehicles. In addition, we are currently planning an infrastructure for fast charging at our Ellmau site to ensure that the vehicles are always ready for use," says Michael Poot, CEO of Travel Partner.

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