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A mosaic of cultures, breathtaking landscapes and innovation

Geography and location 

Switzerland, located in the heart of Europe, is known for its impressive Alps, crystal clear lakes and green valleys. It is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers. 

Zurich: The vibrant economic centre 

Zurich, the country's largest city, is a global financial centre and known for its well-preserved old town, world-class museums and vibrant art scene. 

Geneva: City of Peace and Diplomacy 

With the European headquarters of the United Nations and the founding of the Red Cross, Geneva is an important centre for diplomacy. The city on Lake Geneva also offers a rich culture and history. 

Bern: The charming capital 

The medieval old town of Bern, with its arcades and the impressive Federal Palace, has been recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage site

The Swiss Alps: A paradise for winter sports enthusiasts 

From St. Moritz to Zermatt – the Swiss Alps are a mecca for skiers, snowboarders and mountaineers from all over the world. 

Lucerne and Lake Lucerne: A picture of beauty 

With its picturesque old town, the Chapel Bridge and the impressive backdrop of the Alps, Lucerne is a must for every visitor.

Culinary delicacies 

From Swiss chocolate to cheese fondue – Swiss cuisine is world-famous for its quality and taste. 

Multilingualism and culture 

Switzerland is a mosaic of cultures with four official languages: German, French, Italian and Retro-Romansh. This is reflected in the country's rich cultural diversity. 

Innovative heritage 

Whether it's world-class watches or groundbreaking medical research, Switzerland is a pioneer in innovation and quality. 

Recommended season 

While spring through autumn is ideal for hiking and exploring cities, winter draws winter sports enthusiasts to the snow-capped Alps. Every season has its own charm in Switzerland. 

Switzerland, known for its neutrality and quality, is a country that impresses with its breathtaking landscapes, cultural diversity and innovative strength. A visit here is an immersion in a world of tradition and progress.

Schweiz Zürich
Schweiz Glacier Express
Schweiz Matterhorn
Schweiz Alphorn